Strong H989 – Studienbibel

Englische King James Version von 1611/1769 mit Strongs
Die Bibel durchsuchen
  • ELB-BK – Elberfelder Übersetzung (V. 1.3 von
  • ELB-CSV – Elberfelder Übersetzung (Edition CSV Hückeswagen)
  • ELB 1932 – Unrevidierte Elberfelder Übersetzung von 1932
  • Luther 1912 – Luther-Übersetzung von 1912
  • New Darby (EN) – Neue englische Darby-Übersetzung
  • Old Darby (EN) – Alte englische Darby-Übersetzung
  • KJV – Englische King James V. von 1611/1769 mit Strongs
  • Darby (FR) – Französische Darby-Übersetzung
  • Dutch SV – Dutch Statenvertaling
  • Persian – Persian Standard Bible of 1895 (Old Persian)
  • WHNU – Westcott-Hort mit NA27- und UBS4-Varianten
  • BYZ – Byzantischer Mehrheitstext
  • WLC – Westminster Leningrad Codex
  • LXX – Septuaginta (LXX)

H 988H 990



Alle Vorkommen 8 Vorkommen in 8 Bibelstellen
Ezra 4,21 Give ye now commandment to cause these men to cease, and that this city be not builded, until another commandment shall be given from me. {Give…: Chaldee, Make a decree}
Ezra 4,23 Now when the copy of king Artaxerxes' letter was read before Rehum, and Shimshai the scribe, and their companions, they went up in haste to Jerusalem unto the Jews, and made them to cease by force and power. {by force…: Chaldee, by arm and power}
Ezra 4,24 Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.
Ezra 5,5 But the eye of their God was upon the elders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.
Ezra 6,8 Moreover I make a decree what ye shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, forthwith expenses be given unto these men, that they be not hindered. {I make…: Chaldee, by me a decree is made} {hindered: Chaldee, made to cease}